Photo: Getty Images
There are billions of dog lovers in the world. Even some cat people can't help but admit that canines are pretty amazing. It seems that the love for pooches might actually extend into the afterlife too, as a new video shows.
The clip comes from an owner of two French bulldogs, who went to a play place for pups that was housed inside a barn. At one point, she was rolling a ball along the ground for her pets to chase. It was moving in a straight line but then, out of nowhere, the ball makes a sharp right turn as if something pushed it, however there was nothing there - at least nothing that could be seen.
The video has many believing a poltergeist was responsible for the ball's strange movement, perhaps a ghost who wanted to play with the puppies.
The incident took place at Salthouse Pet Boarding and Freedom Parks in England, and after being sent the video of it, the owner of the play place posted the clip on Facebook. She revealed that while she has never experienced anything paranormal on-site, others there have, saying, "I've never noticed anything in the barns, although my partner says he sees figures in the farmhouse sometimes."
Commenters felt that they could explain the ball's odd roll, with one saying "there's a bump in the grass," but the owner refuted that, stating, "That would make sense - as would [if] there's a string on the ball - but I can promise there isn't."
It seems the pet play place might have gotten a few too many inquiries about their potentially supernatural location since they've since taken down their Facebook page.